Monday, February 21, 2005

Going Korean

My boss commented that I look tired and strung out. I told her it's because of the heat. Sometimes it's so much easier to give an excuse rather than to launch into a full-fledged explanation of the reasons. But all is good, no worries, everything is good.

Been watching a pretty amusing Korean drama called My Little Bride or Sweet18. The Taiwan version is called "18YearOld Bride" or something, and the official site is here. It's about a marriage arrangement between an 18 year-old gangster schoolgirl with a 28 year-old elite district attorney. So both of them entered into nuptials just to please their elders. A marriage of convenience of some sorts, only that the 18 yr old girl has some other ideas. She's determined to make her new husband fall in love with her. Her antics are hilarious, especially the facial expressions that she knead up on her face. This Korean actress Han Ji-Hye, reminds me a bit of another Chinese actress Teresa Mo.

All the kimchi consumption in the drama has made me crave for Korean food. I'm thinking of Kim's for dinner today. Korean food is so good, and has such a distinct flavor of its own. Not to mention, I have a huge fondness for soups and meats and little small sidedish plates. Reminds me of them adorable petri dishes in my school science lab. If only I can afford the grill beef/seafood. It always smells so bloody heavenly from the next table. I'm drooling even when as I type this.

A meal I'm going to have when I save up enough for the grill

Korean HotPot "Shinsollo". Similar to the Japanese "Shabu-shabu" I guess

Kimchi, glorious Kimchi

But I guess if I can still have the appetite to eat, I'm still not beyond caring. And maybe after dinner, I'll go back home and try to do the new ROMB page. Is absolutely aware that I will need to do battle with the vicious heat. Yes, folks. El Nino back with a vengeance. Like a damned curse. SIGH...

1 comment:

INGGO! said...

ei! I know that guy (looking at the official website of My 18 Year0ld Bride). He's that guy from Lover's In Paris! Bwehehe... I don't know why, but most of the Korean films that I saw always have Korean gansters. It's as if a good comedy isn't that good without them. If you're into that kind of film, try I'm Married to the Mafia. Oh, and here's a good Korean flick... that is if you like drama. Try Il Mare. It's so beautiful. I heard they're making a Hollywood version of it. ^_^