Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Calling it Quits?

Random Phone Photo from yesterday (I should stop taking photos in zoom mode...to bloody blurry...)

Fat pair of twins sitting right opposite me busy clearing up their plates. They are almost as adorable as me when I was a kid.

I've been entertaining thoughts of quitting ROMB these past days due to the amount of pressure and stress I'm facing. Lately, I've been succumbing to pseud0-depression and heaviness, and everything around me is fading ummistakeably into dull gray. My room is in a mess, scattered with unpaid bills, unfiled letters and other similar crap. And everyday is the same old routine of rotting in the office, sitting around in the heat and waiting for bedtime to come. I'm tired of arguing with people and tired of taking care of others. I'm running out of resources but a huge burden perches on my shoulders.....and right now, even at 10am in the office, I feel weary and heavy-limbed.

The boyfriend recommended computer games...I think that would work, but when I start playing, everything else will tone down into a soft blur and I'll be locking myself up in a room while I'm at it. Before I know it, the dust bunnies will grow larger, the papers in my room stack higher, and there will be millions of things waiting for me to do. Numbing it for a short while is okay, but the aftermath might be much worse than now.

I wish I could get a dog. Gone are the days when I go ga-ga over huge hunky dogs like Rotties and Labs. I want a short-furred mutt with extreme good looks and a good temperament. I say, that would be a great way to battle listlessness and depression. Even when I'm Googling about them I feel cheered up.

I know I've already abandoned 2 guinea pigs to my dad, but I swear that was the only case. It's because my dad was retired and mom told me to bring those pigs home to keep him busy in the house. Beats going to the racing turf and betting mahjong, it does. But after a while dad got a MinPin too, and I'm too lazy to drive them pigs back to my house. So I'm currently petless and no animal to talk to. :(

But just for the hell of it, what about a Boston Terrier? ARGH, ugly, but ugliness grows on you, and what's more, they are well-mannered and not noisy, as well as affectionate. Good points. Hm...tend to overheat in extreme hot weather and might have respiratory problems though. Very drooly too...uhm...the boyfriend might not like that...

OMG Look! Beagles!...but beagles need lots of companionship and exercise. Besides, according to some sites, they have this really loud baying bark that might irk the hell outta everyone within howling distance.

Hm..after all this, the Miniature Pinscher is still a pretty good breed of small dogs. It requires minimal grooming (i have no money for monthly haircuts) has no known health problems. (but some sites say they do) And darn I always wanted a Dobermann Pinscher but a MinPin will also do. Maybe I'll get another MinPin like my Dad... ;__;

Obscenely cute. I wouldn't want to clip their ears.

Oh maybe Fox Terriers, or Jack Russells....hm...

I wish I can really get a dog...


Kervin said...

True a dog is a very good constructive way to keep one's spirit up. My pup has cheered me up and led me out of depression on countless attention. Can't find toy dogs to be cute don't know why with the exception of dashunds, still prefer medium breeds but they need huge amounts of space.

Ju-Lian said...

Don't have the time and space for a medium/big dog. Wish I could have a Malamute too or an Akira Inu. But big dogs can't sit on your lap while you're reading or watching tv. (they could, but...well, they're heavy..) I need all that doggy contact, I do.

But no, not cats. Too aloof. Might aggravate my condition! XD

Gabeprime said...

I've heard that having a dog (or any pet for that matter) decreases the stress in a person. Getting one might be a good idea to relieve the stress. I'm partial to beagles myself because of how closely they resemble the common Filipino askal (aka mongrel).

The problem with pets though is that it's another thing you have to worry about and maintain. You have to think about that carefully.

As for you quitting ROMB, I've been there more times than I can remember now. Even now, I'm still thinking of stopping my own webcomic even if it is now with Graphic Smash.

I guess it's because of the expectations attached to the comic that is adding to my disinclination to continue it. I mean, what if we were just doing an 8-pager or even a 22-pager one-shot comic just for kicks? After 22 pages (or 8), it's done. Move on to the next story. I think that will involve less stress. *sigh*

That's why I'm thinking of just abandoning the old comic for a new one with no schedules. Just finish the whole thing and post it in one go. No pressures. It will only serve as an artistic outlet. Anyway, I'm rambling now.

I hope you work everything out. Take care.

Ju-Lian said...

ROMB doesn't have a schedule. I'm not stressed from updating really. I guess I just suddenly lost interest in many things (Drawing, included). It's frightening. It's like all that I achieved and amd currently pursuing cease to be meaningful and all is "meaningless like the wind".