Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Bad Photo Day

Just several photos i snapped with my mobile when I was bored. Most of them were taken when mum made me wait in the car while she braved the sea of aunties to snatch some CNY goods. Mommy is the best. Naturally.

I have this love for old Chinese apothecaries and grocery stores, or sundry stores.

The very lovely clutter and bustle pre-Chinese New Year. Well, it is not lovely if you're the one doing the shopping. Me, I was just the driver.

Horror of horrors, a pink Mercedes Benz. Only in Ipoh.

The MiniPinscher, or affectionately known as the MinPin, showing off her goods to the world. Her name is Bobo by the way and her favorite food is pamelo. My dad is mad about her....or I think it's the other way around. Bobo adores my dad. Everynight, she waits for dad to come home from his mahjong, sometimes even until 2am. The little idiot actually falls asleep waiting for him. Ish. But she's so cute and so human and her eyes so bulgy and you can pick her up with one hand. How can you not fall in love with a dog like that. So I was suckered into spending some bucks on the little demon. Got her a camouflage shirt yesterday in Atria (ala American Soldiers). Oh gawrsh I can't wait to see her in it. It will be so fun poking fun at her while she stands there looking like a disapproving old fart.

Too bad I didin't get much photos. Sad. Still have some dog pics of my aunt's. Will post later.

1 comment:

Andy said...

xD Very interesting pics you've taken over there... =P Btw, the MinPin looks pretty cute! Hehe...