Friday, December 24, 2004

Happy New Year and Merry Xmas everybardi!!!

I'm going to Brunei today. Nice weather too. WOOHOO! In case I haven't said it yet: Everyone have a great Christmas and an awesome time with your family! Yes, watch that waistline, especially if you're over 30 cuz that metabolism's slowing down and you'll have a shitty time losing the pounds T_T Still, catch some great fireworks in the sky, get drunk, have lots of hot Christmas sex, etc. Just have fun. 2004 was such an ... intensive .. year.

I forgot to feel depressed and got really happy nowadays. Even splurged on some Robin Schone books. Woohoo! Heard nothing but praises for her stuff, if you're into sizzzzzzzling romances that is. Not smut, mind. Robin Schone books are not Black Lace stuff. Ánd I'm hoping everyday that the books arrive in one piece to my postbox. Woohoo!

Okay, gotta change and eat and board a plane. Cheeriooo!

PS. Oh btw, I drafted a new page, but alas, not enough time to complete it. After Christmas, I hope. :)

1 comment:

Gabeprime said...

Merry Christmas too! And take some piccies of Brunei. :)