Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Last ROMB Page of 2004

But you can't be sure this will be the last page of 2004. I might flip out and do 2-3 more pages; one page per day til the 31st hahahaha! .... But really, not possible XD

Yes yes. New year being ushered in. 2004 was pretty rocky, and it ended with calamities over Asia with the tsunamis and quakes. I am tired of hoping that things will improve, because I have this inkling that it won't. But come what may, we'll live out and savor each day, even if it will be the last day we'll ever have. No point worrying about tomorrow when today is not over yet, right? :) So everybody brace yerself! Enjoy the countdown fireworks, spend time with your loved ones, and still...always remember to find joy in simple things in the midst of all this revelry. Happy new year people. :)

Okay, to the new page. I'm happy with how Aida turned out in the 2nd and 3rd panels. She actually looks slightly menacing. So far, I've portrayed her as the ever-suffering sister who will sacrifice herself for the happiness of her brother, and she's done no wrong, said nothing offensive, and all the hardships she goes through, she takes them on patiently and serenely. A damn saint, in short. With this scene, I hope to bring out another side of her; an Aida who is disgruntled, with flashes of temper, critical, emotional. This Aida is prone to scathing remarks, barbs and cruel outbursts. This is Aida through Matt's eyes.

There'll be one more page til the end of this scene. Then, as promised, I'll be paving the way to introduce our first ROMB pairing. The initial draft for the next 3 scenes are made, but still need further refining. It's gonna be very funny. You'll be entertained, I promise. :)

Okay, back to work for me!

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