Tuesday, October 12, 2004

What are you, if not an image of me?

Fooled around the whole morning. Stumbled into a couple of friend's blogs. Good to be in touch with what's happening with people you met online, who had dropped outta contact. People's lifes go on, even when yours is stuck in a stinky whirlpool of bubbling mud. Change is good. All things must come to an end, good or bad. It's the finiteness of the world we're living in, where Time stretches heavily on our ignorant little heads. I learn not to plan to far into the future.

I see that Shin's updated the ROMB Character page. Thanks! :D I really love how the Madame turned out. Skanky. But beware of spoilers when you read the one on San's dad. Just a word of warning! But you won't be able to resist it anyway, now that I've mentioned it hahaha.

Haven't done anything much for the new page yesterday. Dropped back into the habit of reading. Bought a bunch of books yesterday and am looking forward to reading them. Seem to be spending money like no tomorrow nowadays. Depleted 20% of my savings in a few weeks. I'm feeling nothing, which is partly good as long as I control myself, because it's never too good to be attached to your savings. After all, it's just money. What do I have that was not given to me? Nothing.

I'm turning preachy. Better stop.


Gabeprime said...

I bought a couple of books myself (the second series of Battle Angel Alita) and those, along with watching TV have distracted me from drawing yet again. I still managed to work a little on my own page last night though. But it's no longer a one-night drawing frenzy affair like it used to be.

As for money, although having savings is good, you shouldn't be too stingy with yourself. If you are not going to use that money on yourself, then what are you saving money for, right?

Anonymous said...

Hear hear! Justification to spend! XD

Geej, you must give Racquel a lot of grief. :p