Thursday, December 28, 2006

Habitrail Madness

This is Butter, named for her light-colored coat. Aside from her name, there is nothing buttery and nice about her. This little critter is the bigger of the two hamsters and uses her size to the maximum advantage. She always find chances to fall splat on top of poor Gravy, step on her like she's a particularly fluffy mat, steals and pees/poos on Gravy's food, and pushes her around like people in Young and Dangerous.

Obnoxiously vocal, Butter screeches whenever we try picking her up. However this is getting better and her greed has overcome her caution. Now she associates the presense of giant human hands to free distribution of sunflower seeds.

Everybody say HI to my favorite darling Gravy. Gravy is quite petite compared to Butter and is a big scaredy-cat. She takes even longer to warm up to us and is somewhat overly cautious. She does take a good photo however. But that's probably because she sits still and is constantly 'stoning' from naps.

Why's she my fave? That's because she's being bullied! Poor thing! THat's the cue for more TLC for the lil' fella! .... Sighhhh....I always have a soft spot for the runt of the litter. And for some reason, she has this 'duuuh' look on her face most of the time. Could be the pink nose on that black face giving her a clownish expression.

Because of the websites warning us of impending fights that's bond to happen if you cage 2 Syrians together, we decided to expand the cage. Hopefully by adding more nooks and crannies to it, they will have more individual privacy or something.... but then again, someone said "More territory, more wars" T_T

Went to IKANO and splurged on the value pack that came with a set of Habitrail tunnels and a very nice box with very nice illustrations of recommended designs. We also got a Habitrail Outpost hoping that the two rodents will cease to snuggle together during naps and get their own individual areas. Snuggles that lead to deathmatches....>_>

The back of the Value-Pack Box

The contents of the Value-Pack

Hubby hard at work

Built and designed with future extension in mind. ;D

Front View. Badass, huh

Before we knew it, Butter was up and about, eagerly snooping around for new territory to advance her reign of doom. She found the new tunnels. We added some sunflower seeds on the top to encourage her to loiter in the tunnels more. Maybe by this way, she'll choose to permanently live there... T_T


Wowee!! It doesn't ends!!!

Reaching the end of the rainbow and no pot of gold

Gravy, however..needs some persuasion

That's the furthest she went... the Outpost, which was decided among them to be the shit corner T_T

Yesterday night, they fought for the hamster wheel. It got so bad til they're racing neck to neck with each other. But due to Gravy's smaller size, she's not as strong as Butter. Eventually she'll end up tripping from not being able to keep up with the speed. Once I saw her tiny feet caught between the small holes on the wheel and poor Gravy was yanked around in circles and Butter kept running faster faster. What a frigging nightmare. Habitrail turned torture chamber....

I think I'll have to go shopping again and get them another exercise extension. I'm going to make Pets World/Pets Wonderland rich.

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