Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Webcomic Update - bLEARgh!!

It's here.
Last page of the scene YES! You could tell that I was pretty lazy while drawing this page. Everything's empty and there's totally NO backgrounds. Thank heavens for Photoshopped-comictones.

I'm going to rescript the next scene to shorten it; make it more dynamic. We'll see dear boy San running to his bestmate for help, Az. Goody ^_^. Knowing Azman, it'll probably be like the final nail to San's coffin. And when there's Az, there's Andrea - up to her old tricks as usual. So the new scene will be in a nightclub in city centre. San will be needing to be disinfect himself after this. XD

Chapter 7 should end with another scene, wrapping up the San-got-a-imaginary-gf miniplot. After that we get back to some Girish action at Black Dahlia. Weelll, let's not spend too much time talking about future scenes. I will just try my best to get there. Update's been really icky nowadays, with about a page only in a month. I just can't squeeze in the time to draw. There was an update yesterday because I skipped work to catch up with sleep and ROMB. And I was sick too then. But don't go prayin' and hopin' that I get sick now, y'hear? T_T

I've been reorganising my life, waking up at 6.30am and sleeping by 11.30pm, and it's going on pretty well. I'm way ahead time and I'm no longer late for work. After prayers in the morning, I will go downstairs to clean up dog poo and talk in a soft goosebump-inducing voice to Cookie for about 20 mins. Then I come right back up and change for work, having also the time to mentally prepare myself for the tasks that I will have to perform as soon as I step into the office. Sometimes I even go for breakfast. Ah, bliss. :D

I believe I've discovered the secret of happiness and well-being. It's called "Sleeping Enough". How much is enough? I believe it's 7 hours. Too much makes me sluggish and too little transforms me into a zombie in the office. So, until next time, make sure you get enough sleep, boys and girls!

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