Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Christian Webcomics?

I've been thinking about what Geejay said about doing a webcomic regarding my Christian faith. He's thinking about heading that way and has been toying with some ideas and even posting awesome-looking preliminary design sketches. Wow, I think he really got something going there! :O

As for myself, if only I know what story to tell. Illustrating bible stories (with my manga-style) is too juvenile and most of the public will not be able to relate to it nor be touched by it....But today, I think I kinda got it. See, I'm thinking about doing a punked up version of The Pilgrim's Progress in manga form. I was reading it in my STEP Reader and I find myself very much fascinated with John Bunyan's approach; and even as I went along, the story is moving in animated inks and all modernised manga-goodness in my head... o_O;; And it really can work.

And I think it really really CAN work. One man's pursuit from a dying world. So desperate is he, that he trustingly follows a faint light, that leads him further and further away from his home. It just begins, with him running and running, never looking back. ....and you thought Run, Lola, Run was good. :) My only problem is copyright, and how it would affect the rewriting to modernise and mangafy it. I figure if The Pilgrim's Progress could be found free on the internet, it wouldn't be much of a problem? Hmm... and I definitely can't do this alone. Don't want to single-handedly deliver this project to the devil.

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"At the town there is a fair kept, called Vanity Fair."
Oooh, found a bunch of lovely illustrations of The Pilgrim's Progress here.

People have this aversion to religion because they think its folly to be bound by hypocrital rules and whatnots, and that it denies them their fun, creativity and freedom. :( I'm sad it must be perceived in such a way. Christianity is not about law and punishment, but rather about God. We could do well without all that stuff and misunderstanding in between. But, if this is how it must be, then let it be.


Anonymous said...

An interesting idea, Ju. Just don't quit ROMB early for it!

Also, I think it might be more worthwhile to start into the next "wave" of cultural movement: the popularization of Chinese culture in the west. Japan's influence is strong, but I think China will start coming up soon.

Since your art style is a lot like Chinese manwha, it'd be awesome to see you pen some classic Chinese historical legends and fairy tales. I could even help you write it. ^_^

Ju-Lian said...

I have not much interest in chinese myth and legends or historics. Guess I wanna do something contemporary or near-futuristic.

Think I'm tired of the same old fantasy/sci-fi genres. It's all fake, illusions...and that's the furthest of that the Internet need now...another deception.

Ideas come and go. I'm not sure if i'll really get about doing this. *shrugs* Thanks for the suggestion though. :)

Anonymous said...

You don't know me... I read your comic religiously, though, and I read your Blog for the first time today which is crazy because I was just talking to my webcomic friend about how there are no Christian comics out there... like, I have a comic and it has Christian elements... but a serious, not bible-thumping, story... would be so cool. I'd be way excited to read that!
Keep up your awesome work, whatever you chose to do!

Ju-Lian said...

Thanks for the encouragement :)