Thursday, April 14, 2005

Simee Market in Ipoh

Some pictures I snapped using my cellphone when I was back in Ipoh last weekend. Was accompanying grandma to the market in the morning and everything in there is so interesting to me. Funny, how I absolutely abhorred going to the market when I was a kid. I was so convinced that the dirty Simee Market just 10 minutes walk from my house is the awfullest vilest smelliest place on planet Earth. Haw, now I jump up at every chance to go, be it to get breakfast or to buy vegetables. >_>

Growing up/old sure does strange things to your brain.

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Quest for Ikan Bilis (anchovies?). Grandma wisely bought the type of ikanbilis that is the best for making clear soups. Her mode of operation includes interrogating the shop keeper about the origins of these tiny dead dried fishies, smelling them, and ridiculing the supposed-overpricing. Shopkeeper had pretty formidable skills himself, cuz he skilfully "taichi"-ed everything back to her.

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The Chinese apothecary: you find all sorts of knicks-knacks and dried foodstuff. Most important thing is, this is where all the Chinese herbs are sold too. Those guys behind the counter, they're all well-versed in ancient art of Chinese well as the bargain price of a bottle of Ribena.

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The younger brother behind the counter, skillfully dispensing eye-clearing herbs for my Grandma who have had a cataract-removal operation. I bet he knew it through super mindkungfu that I'm taking pictures of his shop too.

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Pails to put dirty dishes, wet floor, clanging of wok, heavy smells of food. This is obviously one of the awesomest part of the market. A plate of anything from any shop here tastes miles better than anything you can probably find in decadent ol' Kuala Lumpur.

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Making Murtabaks, an Indian pancake thingy that's stuffed with meats and vegetable. Yes, carcinogens galore. Best served with thick hot curry chicken/mutton sauces and a cold glass of milk tea.

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Interesting arrangement of items. Besides the potatoes and the onions, the rest are stuff that I've seens before but never cooked with. How sad for my next generation.


Gabeprime said...

Your phone's camera is pretty good. What is it?

And the anchovies in tagalog is called "dilis". It's pretty close to the Malay word for it. Somewords are more identical though like payong is payong and lima is lima, etc.

Anonymous said...

hehe, that younger-brother of the store was pretty cute ^_^

(& ditto. i wish my phone took pics like that!! stupid nonpictureesque phone.. *glares* )

Unknown said...

the murtabak is no more carcinogenic than fried rice of chaokuiteow weiii... our food industry will stand by your blasphemous slants! glory be to the murtabak!

Anonymous said...

Geej: Nokia 6170. The pics look nice because lighting is good. Otherwise, eeyucks!

Dilis? Hey, that's really close. I didin't know Malay has similar words with Tagalog! :O

Turtlexing: Ha, you have fetish for guys with black framed glasses. *points*

HD: Really meh? Aiyah, ya chaokuiteow and friedrice also carcinogenic lah. But do we care, no. Fried crunch murtabaks taste totally ...orgasmic...