Thursday, April 14, 2005

He that is in me, and he that is of this World

I ask myself, why am I not blogging and updating ROMB as I used to, and the answer is almost scary. It's not as interesting as it used to be, and everything seems to glimmer down into soft comfortable lights. You might think, yeahyeah you're busy with life and after a while other things do come along to replace your initial passions that once burned so beautifully bright. But it's not like that. I just lost interest in most of these stuff that I used to enjoy so much. Like I used to need a shoujo/romance fix every few days, like I used to watch so much TV and dramas, like I used to blissfully kick monster-ass in RPGs. To me right now, they're just tasteless Ajinomoto-stingy soup.

But on the brighter side, ROMB still, at least, though not as much, gives me a healthy amount of joy. I hope to update more, but i lack the time and energy.

I'm so consumed by the touch of the Holy Spirit nowadays, that everywhere I look I go, I see people struggling in spiritual darkness and they don't know it don't believe it. God, they don't know Him think they don't need Him. I speak up to some of them and they look at me like I need psychiatric help. I know what they're driving at. I totally, totally get it. I used to say those words myself. You know, like Apostle Paul...stoning Christians at one time and getting stoned as a Christian in another. Of all the things, I bet he never saw that happening. Humbling, ain't it?

1Jo 4:4 Ye are of God, my little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.

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