Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Back to the Land of the Dead

The weekend in Ipoh passed quickly, and I'm once again back in KL. As I checked my email this morning, my inbox practically puked out all the 60 unread emails. Checking through them one by one took me almost 2 hours. But I'm glad for the work waiting to get done here, for idleness is my greatest enemy. I get depressed when I'm idle, because somehow it gets to me that nobody needs me to do anything and I'm actually "tak laku" lah. Talk about superbly low self-esteem.

But anyhow, I'm quitting gym today, if i manage to find the time to stop by Fitness First. Haven't been there for so long now, since February, and my muscles have quickly degenerated to its original flabby selves since. I guess I don't have to look THAT good as long as I'm healthy and I don't mind looking less like J-Lo. With working out, it's like a constant struggle uphill to maintain and fight the inevitable depreciation of muscles tone, involving a hell lot of guilt-trips and self-torment (while paying through your nose for all this). Not my cup of tea. I've decided to go brisk walking once a week for a few hours, and watch my diet.

Ah, well.


Gabeprime said...

I've watched a documentary where it said that if you want to lose weight, brisk walking or cycling is actually better than lifting weights. Something about weight-lifting doesn't necessarily translate to fat burning.

Shinyu said...

hee heee

yay.... another person to join me to QUIT GYM!!! hohoho

ah well, just make sure u still exercise and sweat ur heart out at least 3 times a week :D

INGGO! said...

i didn't know that there's also a fitness first in Malaysia? i go to fitness first here in the Philippines. i don't usually follow my officemates' type of work out which is body building. I just want to get slim so i do light things using the machines and a lot of cardio exercises. it's sad, though, that you have to quit. but i guess it's really up to you. ^_^