Thursday, March 24, 2005

Webcomic Update - Thou shalt not LIE

Grandma might be faking insanity just to freak San up. Seems to be working real fine too. So this lie will really get some ball rolling in the pairing area. Like any other fib, you need another bigger fib to cover the original fib, and it goes on and on like an avalanche. Guess who'll be the fictitious girlfriend. He he.

There's like 1 or 2 more pages til the next scene. Ya, those guys who were asking for Andrea. You get to see her next...with Az, naturally. In a discotheque. Ya, I know I haven't been in one of those for almost a century now. Can't help it. You just sorta lose the urge to dance in pools of vomit as you grow older.....oh okay, I'm exaggerating. I just can't be bothered to drive all the way to the city, park some ass-expensive spot, and blow my hardearned money on booze. I got my private stash at home.

Ya, back to Andrea and Az, I'll be more than happy to start drawing them again. :D

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