Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Mini Pinscher Hell

Belated photos taken with my cellphone. I'm obsessed with Tiny dogs with evil dispositions.

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Bobo, in various state of relaxation. Such an Ah-Pek pose this is.

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Abstract art at its finest? Actually that's Bobo's perfect derriƩrre. Dad commented that her butt is gorgeous, on how it's shaped like a mask. Batman's mask, to be specific. My apologies, Bruce Wayne. Anyway, I'm sure you agree.

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Little Cookie is cute, but that's all there is to the sweetness of her name. In real life, Cookie is a monster...all fangs and taloned claws... She's known as the Cookie Monsta. Everything is a chewtoy to her, even your fingers, nipples, nose, etc.

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Severely grained and hard to get closeup. Cookie is usually a brown blur in the house.

Yes yes. She's still pissing and pooing everywhere. Oh man, sometimes I pray for release ;__;


Anonymous said...

Cookie's such a cutie! Hey, looks like her fur's getting better too!

Ju-Lian said...

Yes yes! her fur's getting better! My colleagues who came visiting kept saying they want to eat her up cuz she's so tiny XD

Keat: Oh good suggestion! But she moves so fast... :O Can ah?