Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Exceeded my Pasta quota for 2005

Back from lunch with the colleagues. We went for pasta in Fasta Pasta in IKANO. It wasn't that good, really. The mushroom soup was thick and too gooey for its own good, and after a few spoonfuls, there was nothing else left to proof. Garlic bread was tough and cold, and wasn't baked. I got the impression that bread slices were just hurriedly pressed down into a pan of melted butter+chopped sautéed garlic. Then the ravioli pretty much tasted like flour dumplings...I was so disappointed because somebody actually mentioned in his blog that it was one of the best he ever tasted. Boo! The ravioli in Antonio's in TTDI is waaaay much better. And there were 2 other pasta we ordered: the spaghetti marinara and another fettucine carbonara (i think). Fettucine one was pretty ordinary and I've tasted better. Spaghetti was said to be good but I didin't manage to grab any because the dish was being passed out too fast! *cries* Then there were the pizza. Nothing to write home to mom about.

Bill totaled up to RM600+ and our US big boss foot the bill. We should've brought her to some Thai or Northern Indian restaurant, despite the fact she can't take much spicy food. But not all are spicy. Mostly sweet+sour and slightly hot. A much appetising and less fresher blend of flavours compared than Italian. I'm not sure but I didin't see any Napolitan sauces in the pasta menu. Aiseh, nevermind ler.

Italiannis in OneUtama still tops the chart. But I remember having one memorable pasta meal in Basque Lane cafe once, of one spaghetti in napolitan sauce + clams. My goodness, that was so awesome. I'm such a big garlic freak. Such greatness ;__; Sorry to see Basque Lane go.

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