Friday, March 18, 2005

Mistakes Mistakes

I'm making too many mistakes at work this year, and I'm talking major mistakes that reaches the ears of my US boss. Won't be surprise if they decide to kick me off the project. There were at least 2 red-marked mails from US this morning, CC-ed to all the clients and bosses, asking me to provide an explanation of some missing stuff from the system. Sweetness.

Thinking back on the few days of frenzied loading, I was working from home and I remember the depressing gloom settling over me. I was sick like a dog too and there was Cookie to take care of, and family to worry about. Now I know not to work anymore from home if I can help it. The heat and the stress totally got to me. So much strain and stress in this project. Every little step makes up for so much. I hope there'll be another person assisting me next year (if i'm unfortunate enough to be stuck with another cycle).

I remember what that was said, that this is a great time of testing...of extraordinary obstacles. It's either I'm trampled or I'll be lifted up. I need to wade through the sewers. There'll be a manhole in sight soon. I'm sure.


Gabeprime said...

That is bad. I hope everything goes well in the end. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

I like your background. Did you make that yourself?


Ju-Lian said...

Sarah: It's a sketch I did quite some time ago. Geejay helped me with the layout itself. :)