Friday, March 11, 2005

Webcomic Update - San Flips

I'm so tired that I can't tell which end is which. I alternate between working, drawing, puppy-sitting, getting sick and going to church. I'm going to die soon. Oh God please let this week end soon....

So the new page is up. I rescripted the whole page and the subsequent scenes. It's too long-winded and draggy. I'm sure readers are not interested in reading so much about the MissWongxSanxGranny dinner, especially over the stretch of a couple of very long months. Decided to go straight to the subject and objective of this scene. It's still amusing.

Don't you love how the new page ended, with San going into anime-ish hysterics. Note his pupils, or rather, the lack of it. He looks positively utterly (mis)enlightened with the fact that all females are the same, with the common goal in mind : To have their evil way with him, using their feminine wiles and serpentine charms. You could tell that something happened to him dum dum dum~~

ROMB is turning into a soap opera. Wait til you see the next page.

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