Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Teething Hell Part Deux

Today Abby was exceedingly fussy. Simple things like hot poo in her dipes set her off like a banshee. That never bothered her before. One moment she'll be clapping and singing to a commercial, and the next she'll be clambering for me with tears streaming down her face, snot flowing mightily like monsoon tide into her gaping screaming mouth. My ears are still ringing from her piteous crying.

So I packed her off early, gave her a nice long bath and set her into her cot. She stood up inside, hung her face on top of the railing and ranted feelingly about something. Those rants turned into frustrated cries and the head banging started. I plugged the pacifier into her mouth and she spitted it out, so many times, that I just left the thing lying on the floor.

I felt that my daughter's trying to tell me something and I was too thick in the skull to understand. I was also frowning a lot and asking her what's wrong. Like that's working.

Setting aside my stuff, I pulled a chair to sit beside her cot. Abby's saliva was dripping so fast that the front of her pyjamas were wet. She was desperately sleepy but her gums hurt her too much and she couldn't calm herself down to fall asleep.

So I broke into a song and sang to her. She stilled and listened, her mouth open. After looping between 'Jesus loves me' and 'I have decided to follow Jesus' for the third time, she finally fell into the bed and slept.

I can't believe that worked.

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