Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Spiritual Warfare - First Bout

My family's been going through a series of powerful demonization which started with my grandfather's sudden demise last year . The grief in everyone opened up doors for spiritual attack and a number of my aunts succumbed. Up til now, all the Christian family members, that is my grandma and my aunt, has been successfully delivered in the name of the Lord. On the 27th of Feb, that dangerous "open window" period where the unclean spirit might seek to reenter a cleansed person ended for my grandma. (Luke 11:24-26) I'm so relieved she survived that time of testing.

Grandma was previously starved and thin, and was plagued by inexplicable illness for more than 10 years. Whatever disease she ever dreaded, alighted upon her...cysts, cancer, diabetes, heart problems...there were also generational curses, soul-ties, and also transferrance from unclean objects in the house. There were also manifestations of demons; the sharp sly eyes, the sudden personality change, the memory lapses, the abrupt gorging of food, etc. But since the deliverance, her dizziness is gone and her appetite has returned. This is God's goodness, as whatever evil that Satan intended will be made good by God, in His perfect timing.

As for my aunt who also went for deliverance, she's still inside that "open window" period. It ends soon, and I'm glad she switched church to come over to mine, as my pastor is gifted in Discernment and Deliverance. Follow-ups will be easier and the gaps will be less.

Before my aunt accepted Christ, she was an advanced Reiki practitioner and had her Chakra points opened. This rendered her vulnerable, opening up windows for demonic transferrance when she was back during Chinese New Year to take care of my grandma (who was demonised that time). Later when she was praying for my grandma in tongues, her tongue got stuck and she started screaming and screaming...and her limbs went numb. I was on the phone with her when that happened. I was in Ipoh and she was in KL and couldn't be located. All that was known that she is driving near Eastin Hotel and she's losing control of herself. The whole family immediately got down on their knees to cover her in the protection of the Blood of the Lamb. My kid brother heard the Holy Spirit say Do not be troubled, for we are fighting a winning battle. And now, my aunt had her house cleansed and she's delivered. Familial relationships were mended too between her and my mother. They used to fight like cats and dogs. Never did we guess it was spiritual influences.

All that aside, now my non-christian aunts are acting up. Some of them started having vertigo and bouts of dizziness+vomiting, another's fingers were blue black as if pinched by something, and one is behaving really in totally abrupt guffawing and sudden tears. We already told the psychologist to go screw himself long time ago when he diagnosed them as depression.

This week, Sis and I are going back to the frontlines of the battleground. Mom has been holding the fort valiantly and I'm worried she will overexhaust herself, as she still teaches at school in the morning and watches my grandma at night. What's more, the family on my father's side is started to act up too. They have a huge idol-worship bondage and my cousins are consistently "oppressed" by spirits at night, continuing even when one of them left for Adelaide to continue her studies. Now that my cousin has returned, she has believed Jesus, but her spiritual life is in shambles due to the rapidly deteriorating condition of her family. Her parent's marriage are on the rocks, her father who was a loud strong man is now thin and sickly, and the list goes on.

This warfare is becoming more and more complex and dangerous. God has set into motion winds of change, and we feel it sweeping across the family. It is a mighty raging wind that cleanses and purifies all the is abominable. He will raise up warriors, quivers for His bow, and the Liar and his cohorts will be defeated and cast out.

For those of you who are Christians and are totally unaware of this side of your spiritual walk, please slumber no more. Satan is very real and he is the king of this world. We resist the devil so he may flee from us, but how do you do that when you do not realise you are under attack. Find out more about Spiritual Warfare.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As you said, he is a psychologist. Do you really expect a psychologist to tell you that his patient is demonized? You must be kidding. He was just doing his best at his job at that moment.