Monday, March 07, 2005

Shedding Puppy! :(

With the help of my sister, I've decided to name the new puppy ChocolateChipCookie Chin! Okay, Cookie for short, which is really suitable because she's currently the color of cookie dough.
I'm having some problems though. Cookie is shedding in patches and according to the breeder, it could be due to the fact that she's losing her puppy fur. I'm not sure if the breeder could be trusted because I've heard that puppies do not lose their fur until older (8-11mths old??). I'm worried if this is an allergic reaction to her food, OR if this is due to the recent weaning. I'm also hoping that it's not some sort of parasitical infection! :(

What I noticed that all the pups in the litter have this problem, where they suffer from loss of fur. I'm thinking that it might be the kibble. Currently the pups are being fed Adult kibble from Pedigree, which is badddd since Adult kibble does not provide the sufficient nutrition to a puppy. So as soon as I brought Cookie home, i'm now switching her from Adult Pedigree ( to Puppy Evolve ( I hope this solves the problem shedding problem. She looks rightly awful now and her poo's a tad bit soft for comfort.

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Cookie cracking open her eyes from sleep

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Ugly condition of Cookie's fur

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Looks like some mange condition to me...or not. Hell, is this normal?! T_T

I'm wondering if anyone knows what's going on... If yes, please tell me. Poor girl... :( I'm pretty angry if this is caused by the wrong kibble. The whole litter might be malnutritioned. Thank God they've just recently been weaned and haven't been eating the unsuitable kibble for months. That would definitely cause a lot of health problems in the future. Aww sheesh I'll need to get her to the vet for a complete checkup soon.

Anyway, I've gotten some photos of dad's MinPin, Bobo. Ha, she looks absolutely ridiculous in that Louis Vitton doggy shirt. All the better to ridicule the mutt. She's gotten all high and mighty recently.

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Bobo, looking like a total idiot.

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Oohhh~~ ~*kiss kiss*...* lick lick* My dad, the apple of her eye.

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I'm so sexy.

And so, we not have 2 MinPins in the house. Hurrah! :)


INGGO! said...

Wow. A Louis Vutton shirt.. just for the dog. You know? There are cases like that here in the Philippines. But it usually happens to stray dogs.

Gabeprime said...

I was actually about to say that. I think we call it "ginagalisan". Anyway, I think your best bet would be to bring Cookie to a certified vet and maybe it could be treated with the proper medication or the proper diet. Good luck.

Ju-Lian said...

Yes, to the vet Cookie will go! T_T

Thanks for all the comments and advice.

Anonymous said...

Do you read this or is it too old now?

How I found your site; searching for mini pinscher and demodex. My mini pinscher (Jordan) was diagnosed today with demodex mange. He has a bare sore spot above his eye so i brought him to the vet and they sent me home with goodwinol.

I thought he was full grown already (was a stray we adopted 8 months ago) so I am a little worried now.

Did your Cookie get better??

Ju-Lian said...

Hi Anon,

Cookie did get better and i learnt that mini pin pups are very prone to this after they wean esp if their immunity system is low. After awhile Cookie's fur grew back on and her fur's purfect now. I did not give her any medication but only supplements like flaxseed oil and primrose oil.

If Jordan really have mange, better quarantine her for the time being, as i see you have another dog. Good luck!