Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Mange? Or not?

Jenny, the breeder called me about Cookie this morning. She said that the shedding is a transitional thing and it happened for all of the litters she ever bred. Her vet informed her that it's more serious for the smallest pup (Cookie) because the immunity system is still weak. In a way, that makes sense because all the bigger puppies in her litter are less affected. On whether if this is Demodex Mange or not, I'm definitely not going to do the dipping. It'll kill Cookie, because she likes to lick and chew on random stuff too much for comfort. What's more, I heard that the vets will not do it for you, but sells you the poison so that you can do it yourself at home. No way, Jose.

So I'm thinking that I should concentrate more on treating Cookie's diarrhoea right now. With that out of the way, I can slowly supplement her food with more coat conditioning stuff. I'm thinking of pure cod liver oil. It's cheap and easy to administer.

Well, I guess we'll see.

And I really ought to continue with the ROMB update. Been too long without a new page that the readers are getting restless. My tablet drivers and Painter software are already in place. Now I'll just need to find the time to complete the lineart. But my life is running like "A Series of Unfortunate Events" lately.....so believe it or not....I'm actually sick! Headaches, fever, cough, sorethroat and bodyache. Shitty, eh? But not like that's going to stop me.


INGGO! said...

you know, it's also been happening to me lately. Right after watching the movie, I've had some Series of Unfortunate Events myself. Though, it's not as unfortunate as yours. Ayayay. I think it's the season. Hehehe..

Shinyu said...

hahaha if that's the case, i think i'm not gonna watch it... dun wanna get that "series of unfortunate events" coming after me :P

you take care of yourself Ju Ju Gal ... eat more nutritious food... keep those Korean Hotpan and Cheezy Italian out of your way now.. till the next time when we can try that out together :D

Ju-Lian said...

The movie's a bit...anti-climatic since the promising start. But I'm sure that's intended all along. Mr. Snicket did warn us to shut off the movie cuz it's all downhill from the beginning XD

Ya, thanks shin. Now eating very bland stuff everyday.

Anonymous said...

Hmm... I guess it's hard to say congratzs on getting cookie, when she's sick already I hope she pulls through.
