Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Lord of our hearts

O Lord of our hearts, home is not home without You. Life is not life without You. Heaven itself would not be heaven if You were absent. Abide with us. The world is growing dark, the twilight of time is drawing near. Abide with us, for the evening is coming upon us. We are getting older, and we are nearing the night when the dew falls cold and chill. A great future is all around us; the splendours of the last age are descending; and while we wait in solemn, awestruck expectation, our hearts continually cry, "Until the day break, and the shadows flee away, turn, my beloved, and be thou like a roe or a young hart upon the mountains of [division]."

- Charles Spurgeon, Joy in Christ's Presence pg 60

I was having a lunch+devotion break just now and Cookie was out and about running loose in the house, gnawing at everything in sight: toes, hair, handphone, soiled papers..you name it. Every now and then she twitches violently and starts to scratch like crazy at her already sorry looking coat. Feeling saddened, I closed my eyes, put my hand over her and prayed over her skin condition. After awhile, she quietened down and snuggled closer. I read aloud from my Spurgeon book, esp the Bible verses. For the first time, Cookie stopped chewing and fell asleep. It could be the tone of my voice, or the comfort of His words, but I'm glad she calmed down.

I've redone the draft for ROMB, tweaks the lines a bit. Too hot to draw anything now though, so I'm finishing my office work and maybe rest a bit before I start on the lineart tonight.

I do hope I don't defect tonight. You see I got myself a few distractions yesterday. Bought Midnight Nowhere, which is an adventre point-and-click horror game. And there's the Closer DVD to watch. What's more, I need to go for a facial, pedicure and manicure. Gawd, I sure know how to burn money.

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