Friday, February 25, 2005

Quitting the Relationship

I have broken up with the boyfriend, and ended the 7-8 years of relationship. For the rest of life's journey, I'll be taking separate paths from him. It is not through mutual agreement and it is somewhat ugly, due to the suddenness of it all. I'm sorry to say I cannot be involved in a relationship in this stage of life when I need to focus all my energies onto my religion and family problems. I cannot afford to be emotionally drained by a relationship. Yes, it is a selfish decision I made alone without the consideration of others.

So, for the very first time of my adult life, I'm single, as I was involved with him since highschool. It's unnerving and intimidating to be alone, after so many years of his constant companionship. I'm just sorry that this could not make it to marriage. It was not realistic in the first place. I should've ended it sooner.

I'm all into dog-hunting nowadays. So far the most promising seems to be a Pug. If i really get one, I'm so not naming it Puggsly, or Puggy or anything resembling it's breed name. I'm gonna name my new dog Cowboy.

Cowboy and I...we're going to ride into the sunset together.


Anonymous said...

For what it's worth, Ju, family problems and a pug are poor substitutes for a loving boyfriend. But you already know that.

Anonymous said...

The loving boyfriend will always be there waiting, opening his arms and always welcome her back to his arms again, for he has realised the mistakes he made all this while. If given a second chance, the boyfriend will love her for who she is, with all his heart.

Silently and patiently, he will wait.

Anonymous said...

For what it's worth, i think you are right in taking this path. Relationships are not supposed to be draining - the opposite. They are not suppsoed to take so much from you.

In any way, I wish you strength in whatever paths you need to thread, and courage to make any decision worth making.

Good luck with the mut. I know you wanted one for a long time.

The only way I can think of to cheer you up, is this:

(they didn't allow the tags).

With my best regards,

Gabeprime said...

I don't know if anything I say will comfort you at the moment. Any change to routine is not fun for our subconcious mind. I'm sure that given time, you'd feel much much better. In the meantime, pray to God to help you through this difficult time.

INGGO! said...

i dunno. i think it's just a phase that you're going through. as they say... this, too, shall pass.

Ju-Lian said...

Thanks Mir for the pic. It's so very sweet.

Vyle, no not:
family problems+pug < loving bf

It's currently like this:
Jesus+pug > loving bf

Geej: Yes, thanks for the comment. I'm really fine :)

INGGO: If this is a phase, I hope it passes soon. I'm all packed and ready to move on.

Anonymous said...

I happened to come across your blog. Looks like you are going through some hard time in life. I don't know much of what happened, but you admitted that it's a selfish decision. Seemed like you fought for what you want, but you _may_ have forsaken God and His words while doing so selfishly. I hope this is not the case.

Hopefully, it's a decision carefully made. I hope all will be over soon. Good luck to you, and serve God well.

A King who wants to bring peace to the world would not want his generals/armies who conquers the cities, forts and castles brutally and lose the hearts and love of the people.

Ju-Lian said...

Thanks you Anon for your points. I used to think that too, but when you're forced to compromise God, you're no longer putting the Lord as your number 1.

There's no pleasing everyone. I'll just please my Father.

Joh 15:19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.