Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Haggard 'r' Us

Yesterday in the office was awesome. The Boss walked to my cubicle and in a very business-like manner told me to see her in her room. Usually in such cases, as soon as the door is closed on your back, you'll get the most scatching earlashing ever; normally due to a stoopid mistake you unwittingly made which causes a small department to suffer downtime, or get paid zero dollars for their monthly wages, or worse so, gets overpaid. So yeah, I bit my lip, and trudged bravely into her room. The door closed behind me.

First thing The Boss blurted was, " What's wrong with you?!"


"You look so haggard! You've lost weight! Are you okay?"


"If there's anything you need, we as colleagues can always back you up as you take time off. Now c'mon tell me what's wrong."

ANd it went on. The Boss cajoled me to tell her all my personal problems and I could tell she was a bit dissappointed when all I said was that the heat was making me lose major sleep during the nights. As not to let her concern go to waste, I also briefly admitted to my recent family problems and stress. Her eyes grew big and she got that I-am-gossipping look on her face. Haihhh.

Why ah? Why everyone must demand to know. I'm pretty tired relating the same tale again and again to them. Their mouths fall open and say things like, " WAH! Really meh?!" Like don't believe like that. Like I'm purposely lying/entertaining them with a story. Oh man, when will all this end....when will I pick up my tablet and draw again....not that I'm missing drawing much....SIGHH... and that worries me. Being haggard with sunken cheeks and all is fine, but losing passion for drawing is not. All that I used to enjoy, is so bland and meaningless now.

I think I'm going to adopt an imaginary Jack Russell and talk to him (yes he's a boy) all the time. He's going to frolick and play in front of me and nobody will see him except me. I'll name him Cowboy and he'll sleep at my feet at night. Since he's imaginary, he'll eat imaginary dog biscuits, go get imaginary jabs at the vet, and yes, give me lots of....imaginary joy. (Seriously, I've even got my aunt to recommend a good and cheap vet)

I'm stupid.


Dilip Mutum said...

Seems like you got yourself a good boss (I am not sure). Maybe worried that you are not taking care of ur health which would ultimately lead to lowered productivity or maybe something else. ;-)

Raquel said...

Hope you feel better soon...

Anonymous said...

Amir said:

Sometime during the last three years, I have become convinced that when people tell you "I want to help you," "It's good to share," and "You'll feel better if you talk," what they really mean is "OOOOH!....Story!....I'm really curious," and "I want to know more about this person for my own naffarious purposes."

I have not yet disproven this hypothesis. In fact, life only affirms it time and again.

Shinyu said...

i think i understands how you feel, dearie ju.

things get worse when everyone starts making up more stories out of ur story T_T

i hope u're getting better soon. If you're really tired, please, come home and rest. Since the great Ms Koh said they're able to back u up, then just take a day off and come home. :D


Ju-Lian said...

Adam: Exactly. That's what I was thinking too.

Raquel: Thanks :)

Amir: Haha, that's funny! Sadly, I concur.

Shin: That "I'll bring you joy" part was so ridiculous that it made me laugh. T_T It sounds like you're going to offer yourself to me or something...aiyer..