Monday, February 28, 2005

Dog Hunting

I'm tired of looking for a dog. There are too many requirements, and not many breeds available here.
1. It has to be a toy dog
2. minimal shedding
3. does not bark much
4. family-friendly
5. Less than RM1500
6. healthy and minimal health weaknesses
7. good temperament
8. fairly easy to train
9. not too active as I am keeping it indoors
10. does not need professional grooming

The Pug's too big. I saw one yesterday at the doggy obedience show. His name is Hugh and he's bloody heavy too. So much for sitting on laps. Will crush my kneecaps. And what's more, Pugs have a lot of problems with their eyes and overheating and I don't really find the constant grunting and snorting for breath charming. No Pugs for me then.

Then there's the Silky Terrier, or any terrier in particular. But it's snappish and more of a one-owner kinda dog. I don't want it snapping at my housemates. That would be hell because it'll mean looking for somewhere to board it when I go outstation or something since it's so unfriendly to others.

Aunt suggested the Pomeranian. I called up some breeders and the price is the killer. Around RM2000-4000. There's a nice breeder who told me to get my Pom pup from the petshop if I'm not interested in showing the dog. I thought of that, but most petshops do not let their pups outta their cages and they are confined for weeks. That screws them up bad and makes them into little nasty bundles of fur for the rest of their lives. And the Pom needs professional grooming. One trip to the groomer is about RM120-150. I don't think I can afford a high-maintenance dog like this. So no Poms for me either.

I could adopt an adult toydog. Yes, that would be great since it's not as active as a puppy. But that would be hard to find. I'll just keep my eyes open, I guess.

I'm so tired. I need to be restored and rejuvenated before entering my next phase with God. I need to soak up on His Word and His presence. There seems to be an extraordinary effort involved for the things that are going to happen in the future. Truly truly, when the next wave comes, I want to be prepared and be buoyed up instead of drowned.

Isaiah 40:31 But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.


Anonymous said...

Surprisingly, I didnt feel anything on reading the ending part of this post. I used to feel bad, but I no longer do so.

Sometimes, it is really regretful that when one can finally see things clearly, others can't.

The ex boyfriend does wish you the very best in your venture with God. Although you do not want him to have anymore influence in your life, you definitely will have influence in his remaining life.

The ex bf will move on with life, and hope that when there is a day that you realise the need to go back to him, hopefully he is still there to open his arms wide and embrace you in his arms. He didn't realise how much he should have loved you, and how much he should have done for you, but now, he really does realise that. There are a lot that he can and willing to do, but he isn't given a chance anymore.

Sometimes, fate like to play a game on us. It comes to you when you are not treasuring it the most, and go away when you want to give all your love unselfishly.

It is time for everyone to move on. The boyfriend shall now move out from his already long settled life, and experience different things in life. Perhaps a place far away will do the trick. Too many memories surrounding his life , from highschool in hometown, to college in the capital, then to university in down under, and now in the land of the richest king in the world. Every aspects of his life since 8 years ago is full of those sweet and wonderful moments which he will never forget for the rest of his life. He needs to move to a new place to get away to escape the pains. 8 years ago, it was a situation like this that everything started. But now, the same will no happen anymore. The first kiss, first hand holding, first hug and all the first timers will remain deep inside his memories til the day he dies.

The dates 12th April 1997, 17th July 1997, 6th August 1997 aredates that he will never forget. You may not remember these dates over the past 8 years, but the boyfriend definitely does. He remembers the very details of what happened.

For what you have done wrong in the past, the boyfriend will now wipe it off. He forgave you, and now he will forget.

Hope you dont get mad over this long comment. He just want you to know how much he cherish the moments with you, and he has now lamented on his wrongdoings. This separation will change the ex bf into a better person, and he would like to thank you for that. And he sincerely wish that your family members will be save, happy and harmonious. He is sorry that you have to go through all this. You once asked him 'If we were to breakup, you would prefer which party to bring it up?'. And the boyfriend answered 'I prefer you, my gf to bring it up, because that would mean you suffer less'. And he is really glad that this is the case now.

All the best in your life, and till the ex bf meet with you again in the future, as a better, more caring, more loving and more understanding person. And many thanks for the unforgettable memories.

Time to move on.

Ju-Lian said...

Yes, time to move on. I hope you can be a better, more caring, more loving and more understanding person for the future girls you meet in your life.

God bless.

INGGO! said...

how bout a mechanical robot dog? or a Tamagochi. ^_^

Shinyu said...

Tamagochi would be great :D I second that!!! hihihihi

Ju-Lian said...

No thanks. Tamagotchis are so...cold. T_T They're just simple computer programs. I'll not even want an Aibo.

INGGO! said...

but a Tamagotchi fits all of your requirements. O_O