Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Wau! I speak like Malaysian!

After reading countless of Malaysian blogs, I'm inspired to speak like a Malaysian in mine lorr...so some people reading might really blur like sotong on what the heck I'm talking about. Sometimes I think I interact too much online with mat sallehs. That's why so weird about blogging in Manglish. But it's definitely comfier like this. Can type my fingers off without having to worry about grammar :p

Anyway, I got a nice new table calender on my office desk. Damn sui, you know? With pics of Japanese gardens. So beautiful and serene and perfect til the point of being unreal lah. Really beh tahan and want to take next flight to Japan. But might not have money to come back. I'm damn bankrupt liao from buying stuff.

I just came back from Ipoh during the weekends. No time to visit Shin lah. Somemore I heard she burnt Princess Blade already and I really want to borrow from her. I damn like badass sword fighting in bamboo forest type of movies lah. Gets my heart all pumping and blood all rushing to my temples! Wahahaha! .....sighh....so busy busy running around attending lunches and dinners with people until no time to settle down to unwind. So here I am, back in KL again, working. But not bad lah, I curi tulang at home yesterday and even went to Midvalley for jalan-jalan. Today pulak, we went to Seksyen 17 to eat that char siew kai fan. Got that sour+spicy vege to go with the rice too. OMG damn syok lah. No wonder my tummy all terpercik keluar now. Need to go gym T_T

But there's a ray of light leading me out from the tunnel! This weekend going to Karaoke at the new Red Box in the Curve. Waha! Long time never go already. This time I'm going with Pei (roomie) and her colleagues. Might not be that nice singing out of tune in the company of strangers, but I really desperate lah. Want to sing mah. If lucky, can even rap to LMF's very notorious WTF song. I damn good at the cussing chorus part.

Heard from Pin that a full body massage in that Thai massage shop in the basement of One Utama costs RM125. What lar! So expensive! Only one hour somemore. I really need someone to step on my backbone or something lah. Neck and chest+back area feels damn stiff when I sit in front of the computer. I know exercise helps lah, but it's still sore and achy ler. Hm...

Today I got a this email from a colleague:

I fever and nose block. I MC 1 day.


Aiyo, what happened to the quality of English education in Chinese schools... >_<


Gabeprime said...

Nice one! :) But dang, I'm sure I know some of those Malay words you used but forgot it now. Is char siew kai fan roast pork (well, not really roast pork but those sausegey type red meat) with rice? I love those.

But yeah, although people from home don't speak or write in mostly mangled English, they would write with about a mix of English and Tagalog which is very annoying to read sometimes, too.

Anyway, it makes me think I should do something like this post on my blog too. :)

Shinyu said...

wah....so good lehhhh i also beh tahan sometimes with manglish, but it's a specialty mahhhhh

aiyak..not only chinese skool's english terrer lah, the english educated ppl some also speak like this.. example me lorrrrr

Anonymous said...

Shin: you an embarassment to MGS Ipoh! Repent! *whack whack*

Geej: Charsiew kai fan is Roast Pork Chicken Rice. OMG Damn good you know?! Now the Roast Pork is not the sausage type pork. That's actually called "Lap Cheong". Char Siew is slices of Roast Pork that is reddish outside (from the sauce). T_T My tummy rumbling now...