Thursday, December 02, 2004

Tenant Problems again

I need plumbing advice. How the hell do I clear a stuck piping system that consists of a series of complicated fixtures within the walls? Well, save from breaking down the walls and replacing the pipes, that is. I've gotten suggestions to pour acid into to dissolve any blockage in them. But....won't that dissolve the pipes too? Oh jeez. What the hell am I to do now. Even the useless plumber my new tenant found told her to fix the problem herself. Asked her to dig out the blockage herself. Man...and he charged me so much for the small little things he changed, ie faucets, shower head, etc. Are there no more honest people in this world?

And then there's the problem with the f-cked up toilet flush. Can't flush, floatation thingie busted, lid missing. Seems that I'll need to change the whole box. Won't be surprised if that'll cost me. And what's more I'll have to get a person to install it for me after that. Another dishonest plumber who'll rip me off silly because there's nobody else who'll do it.

Man, do I regret renting out my house to my past tenant. I mean, like, what did he do to block the pipes in the first place. I don't see other people staying in the same block experiencing this problem. I can understand if the fuses are dead, or if I need to repaint the walls, or if the ceiling fan needs to be changed...but BLOCKED PIPES? .... Hrrrrhhh, maybe he did it just to spite me. Who fricking knows...

And so tomorrow i'll have to drive 45 minutes down to the place to check out the damage. Oh hell. This is so great.


Shinyu said...

T_T man...i think the plumber sees that you're a young gal that dunno anything bout those pipings...that's why he charged you hell for it...

changing the whole toilet thingy... (dun think u can just change the box tho) might cost you about < 800.

man...maybe you have to break the walls in the end T_T

this is scary...dun dare to rent out to strange ppl anymore... sigh...

Anonymous said...

You mean lime? It's not really lemon-sale, but...
...anyway, what blocks drains most often is hair.

Anonymous said...

Um, by lime I meant calcium oxide, but...okay.

Anonymous said...

oh. in that case, lime is a white powedery substance that's pretty reactive.

It's also not the crystaline material I'm talking about.