Friday, November 19, 2004

Work like Hell

Lots of office work lately. That's probably why I've not been drawing much. Did try to yesterday, and panel 1 took me forever. By 11.40pm, I've just completed it. Gawd, I'm not sure what's making it so hard to draw. Just a simple box with people inside. Sometimes I really don't know. I can draw really fast, and yet when I'm all fired up, I still somehow take so long to complete just the lineart for a single panel. Too long.

So anyway, I'm playing The Urbz and Fatal Frame 2. Pretty fun. Definitely waiting for Shin to come over to kill the bosses for me in FFrame 2. I'm so chickenshit.

I feel so good today because of many things. Must be because I'm getting enough sleep. Surprising how these things make so much of a difference.

I'd like to type more but I can't. More new projects coming in, and that's why I need to attend daily sessions of Knowledge Transfers. I'm pretty sure my career path is changing for the better starting next year. Not necessarily better pay, but more stress, definitely assloads of responsibilities.

Will try to watch the Incredibles this weekend. Haven't been to the cinema with a huge bunch of friends for so long now. But don't you hate it when you're charged with the task to get tickets. Stupid long queues.

1 comment:

Shinyu said...

T_T dun put too much hope on the FF2, the big boss will kill me easily..

hm...this weekend? aren't you supposed to be in a company trip??? the incredibles are good :D