Friday, October 08, 2004

CLAMP Bashing

Okay, I hate CLAMP. There, I said it. Never really liked Card Captor, or the art in RG Veda, or X. Ugh, too much superficial teen angst. But I guess I'm just too picky. I don't even like Kaori Yuki's Angel Sanctuary, which reeks with androgynous characters bleeding prettily in beds of rose petals. Problem is, I do like androgynous characters bleeding prettily in beds of rose petals. The plot just couldn't hold my attention I think. Maybe I'm just jaded and pretty stuff like this don't turn me on anymore. XD Sweaty grimy men with bleeding katanas and gruesome wounds turn me on though. Vagabond! Wheeeeeeee!!!!!!

Anyway, I'm glad ROMB instills enough heart-fluttering in people to make them say such nice things bout it in their LJs. T_T All this gives me much encouragement to make a new wallpaper. Maybe after the next page update. Need to practice painting more anyway.

I'll try to do some light scripting for the new scene. Right now, I'm having a huge urge to tweak the Matt plot. According to Shin, the story's getting complicated, and I think I'm the culprit because I keep revisiting the plot to add further details and stuff....Hope that won't turn off people. :\ But it's not really that complex. Rereading the archives should fix that. Was doing just that yesterday night. Man, looking at your old art is like going back to old vomit. Cringefest!!! ;__;

So anyway, I also completed 5 new character pics for the Chara Sheet section. Will be sending them to Shin maybe next week. Right now, I'm still working on the new archives layout. It's really a pain linking each and every page for all the 6 chapters. Think I'll just copy paste from the original keenspace page... >_> ...should've thought of that earlier. After that I'll start on the Omake page, which I'll rename to Gallery. Then there's SOE's stuff to be converted over to Jushin. Every single page needs a new layout. Sigh...................wonder when I'll finish. Probably never..T_T

Am going back to hometown this evening. Boss allows me to leave at 4pm. Joy! Bringing back the PSone for the kid brother. It's officially his. Hope it still works though. Haven't used it long. He'll need new memory cards too. Ha!

And we're having sushi for lunch. Going to Genki! :D Hm....will need to get 2 birthday presents while I'm there. October = birthday hell month.

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