Wednesday, October 27, 2004

At home

I'm lazy. Let the white do the painting for you!

I'm at home today, working and drawing. I love doing this, to just draw when the spirit moves me. Sometimes the images come out looking real fine, and sometimes they just plain suck. But no matter, it feels good, to be full of ideas again. Must have something to do with the songs I put on too. Kris Dayanti, Michael Bublé, Chihiro Onitsuka, Leslie Cheung, Santana, Simply Red, Pearl Jam, David Tao, etc. Yumsies.

Re-scripted the next page to make it more dramatic and made the first draft in Painter today. Lots of Gabriella x Matt angles to draw, but still beats drawing backdrops. Drawing backdrops needs the patience of Job and twice the amount of willpower. Guuuh...

I'm happy people find pleasure and inspiration in ROMB. Justifies the stress I go through to kick myself to update even when I rather be doing something else. Sometimes, after the whole day at the office, I come home to a darkened room and the last thing I want to do is to switch on the computer to do the lineart for the latest page. Drawing the lineart requires a huge amount of concentration and determination. Once I get started, I'll be drawing until 12-1am. This is something i do almost every night, to be able to bring you all a new page everyweek. Then on other days, I need to work on the script, arrange the chronological events and go rescript again until the characters sound right in my head. ROMB is a pet project that grew into a full time job. I enjoy this, when the other aspects of my life are problem-free. But that's rarely the case, as most of you know. And that's why i burn out so fast these days. Or I take so damn long to update. It's the same story. I think I am just juggling too much sometimes.

Still, like Bryan said, our webcomic projects are not something we can just stop when we feel like it, because it has grown into this monster of a story of epic proportions. That would be so irresponsible, don't cha think? So yeah, this is a do-or-die thing.

I often ponder the future of ROMB. Will I publish it one day? Will someone publish me one day? Will people want to continue reading if it runs for 10 years? Hm...I dunno.

There's no point to this whole post. I'm just droning because the weather is lovely today and I need an excuse to just type and type and type while sitting at the window.

So there. Have a nice day, if you're reading.


Gabeprime said...

Although I've drawn 2 new pages of Lovarian Adventures after coming out of hiatus mode recently, I'm really leaning towards quiting the whole webcomic creation biz. There are lots of things I'd love to be doing and I think I no longer have the inclination to update the webcomic over my other wants. That and hosting the site costs me money I can use for something else like bills.

But that's just me. I'm sure you are much stronger than me Ju so I wish you the best of luck with ROMB's continued success and existence. :)

Shinyu said...

hm... dun think too much bout the future of ROMB, honey. It's not like we know what's gonna happen next. If someone ever offers to publish, then... you start thinking bout the future. :D

Anonymous said...

I don't know. Does anything justify the massive amounts of work that must be spent on drawing a webcomic? 6~10 hours per page, how many pages? It's certainly one of the most time-consuming activities that one could possibly do.
Why do you draw ROMB, Ju?

Ju-Lian said...

Geejay, I'm happy you can make a strong decision, irregardless what it may be. Whatever you choose, good luck. :) It's not that I'm stronger or whatever. Maybe if i get married and have kids I'll have to stop. So it's different for us both and I think Lovarian Adventures is awesome with a capital A.

Yes Shin. We think of that when it happens. :D

I seem to be able to draw significantly faster nowadays. It'll take about 5-6 hours per page only. Used to be 6-8 hours, depending on the content. I take way longer to draw action scenes and detailed backgrounds. Sometimes after a particularly detailed page is completed, I will just sit back and be totally horrified at the hours I poured into it. Neck hurts like a bitch too.

Justification? I love to tell stories and creating people. In short, I love playing god. It's such a great experience. :)

Anonymous said...

Haha well, as long as you enjoy doing it! But sometimes it can really get nervewracking.
Btw, the past few anonymouses are all me. Kyr. >_>; Sometimes I forget to put in my name, and I think I'll do probably also do that in the if it's anonymous and sounds like me, it's me.