Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Hubby, you want a baby?

I’m not sure if we’re ready to get pregnant.


I know we’re capable financially. It’s the emotional/psychological part that I’m worried about. KK already loudly chanted “It’s too soon! It’s too soon!” when I told him we need to go into baby production mode by end of this year. Cuz if he wants to migrate in 2010, the kid needs to be old enough marrrr....  When I ask him why it’s too soon, he doesn’t know how to put his concerns into words. I reckon it could be related to the PS3, PSP, NDS, Wii that we purchased this few years.... (talk about indulging)


I do know that I feel differently about this issue compared to him. Not necessarily a good thing actually. For me, it feels just like getting a new pet! Like, the anticipation when I’m about to purchase a new puppy or guinea pig. The rush of pleasure when I buy the supplies and construct the perfect diet for my newest piggledy-poo. Then, I imagine it’s the cooing and cuddling that comes next with the furball, followed by the tedium of responsibility I need to shoulder daily... the feeding, cleaning of poo, finances commited to buying cage litter, pellets, hay, kibbles, vitamins, vet bills, and the list goes on. Only difference is, the burden and joy from the experience is magnified maybe say.... 100x? And oh yeah, the critter doesn’t just go to pet heaven in the shortspan of a few years.... yeah, that might be something we need to understand.... that it’s permanent and not a fly-of-a-moment thing.


Still, it will make my parents and my mother-in-law infinitely happy. Deliriously happy, in fact. It would infuse a whole lot of meaning and joy into their lives. (since they aren’t the ones doing the breast-feeding at night for 6 months). I suppose that it is worth it, for this reason alone.


I’m not so much worried about our capability to bring up our kid. We’re pretty well-brought up people, hubby and I, with lots of close family ties and loving relatives. With all these components already intact, there’s not much reason why we shouldn’t do it.


Is there a switch or gauge where I can check our readiness for a baby?  

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