Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Migrating to Greener Pastures

We've been playing with the idea of migrating since the past year. Now, after coming back from Cleveland, KK and I are now seriously considering of making that leap. This could be due to the opportunities and lifestyle there. Family there is great too, which also provides a wonderful environment to raise kids and acquaint them to family life. Regardless, I read up on the Immigration law for the US and it so freaking hard to get in!

One can only immigrate via employment or family sponsorship. Family sponsorship is restricted to only close kin and I don't think we stand a good chance if KP or Meili apply for sponsorship for KK. It's usually limited to husband-wife, mother-child, kind of relationships.... and even brother-sister sponsorship is stretching it. We guess we only have chance with immigration via employment. Now that's where Sal comes into the picture. Is thinking that, maybe he can apply for permanent employment sponsorship for us to enable us to work and live permanently in US. This will naturally lead to a Green Card for both of us, if I'm not mistaken. But in order to do this, he'll have to do lots of legwork to push paperwork and stuff.... not now, obviously as the MOT project is going live soon. Hopefully when everything else is back to normal, something will pop up to point us to this direction. At the moment, we're pretty discouraged looking at our odds of a successful application. :-\

We'll see how it goes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

go ahead , do it fast before the land totally NOT belongs to you.