Monday, November 26, 2007

In Illinois again

I'm on a business trip to Schaumburg again for 1 month. This is the second trip here after the last one in 2003, but this time I'm here with KK. Anyhow, it's so great to see the US team again. They look just the same!

I did some thinking the past few weeks. I realise I miss drawing and telling stories so much. There's this eventual acceptance deep inside me that knows that I'm not going to continue or draw anymore, and that's very disappointing. I yearn in my heart of hearts to be what I was, but I'm also content with what I'm having and doing now. The ROMBites still hover around in my thoughts, but they don't talk or do nothing else anymore. But I'm pretty sure if I push on and keep going at it, the flame will come roaring back.

So that's the plan.

The plan's to schedule drawing sessions twice a week until I re-gain momentum. Now that KK's got himself a notebook for his personal use, I don't have an excuse to not have any computer time to myself. All that double-shifts I've been pulling for work should really stop. At this point of time in the project, there's no need for that sort of hours anymore. I've been in Schaumburg for the pass few weeks and I mostly watch TV during the evenings after work. World hasn't ended yet, as far as I know.


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