Thursday, September 28, 2006

Vague Pain...

My tummy hurts. Must have overate. I tend to do that when I'm stressed. I'm stressed because of this weekend. My sister's getting married in Ipoh. She's hurt because of mom, with the things mom did or didin't do.

We both have too high expectations of mom. Too demanding of her in our irrational angry tirades. She's already at her wits' end with the family... bro's SPM and granny's sickness. We should be understanding and supportive I think. Call back more, let her unload.

Mom said she doesn't know how to handle those people who asked her about sis' wedding, about why it's not a church wedding, about being unnequally yoked. She's disappointed with that I know, and somewhat blames herself. She fears the questions she has to answer one day in front of our Heavenly father. I understand and it explains the way she does things 'for our own good'.

We'll be...always never good enough...always no praise... always derision and criticism.

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