Friday, May 05, 2006

Getting Back into ROMB

I'm going to resume drawing the last ROMB page where I last left off one year ago. Yeah, with San at the disco with Az and Andrea. From there, the story will experience some change from what I initially planned last time. Hopefully it has grown more mature and streamlined. I remember my Little Black Book of Plots having stacks of notes about each character's background and so on and so on. This will have to be relooked into. Don't want to degenerate into Bleach. Was disappointing how the story fell flat on its face as soon as the number of characters exploded when the gang entered the Spirit World.

Yup, need to restart the cranky ol' drawing engine and warm up the old geezer. I imagine with the many months in between since i've picked up the stylus, the cranks and stuff will be a tad bit rusty. Heh :)

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