Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Been Busy

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The not-very-nifty Ending Screen of FFIX

Yes! I've completed Final Fantasy IX! .... Ah, but sadly I did not complete the Chocobo Hot n Cold Quests or even try out the Dead Peppers. There were about 4 Chocographs which I found but did not hunt in the World Map. Lazy mah... just grabbed the treasure with the Pumice Piece, went off to Memoria to fight Hades and got Dagger's Ark Summon! Woohoo!!! Damn the summon animation's nice.... :D :D :D

THe following night KK completed Kingdom Hearts 2. Yes, the RM2k digital camera is put to good use at last. Hahahaaa~~~
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Quite a bit of stuff still yet to be unlocked. No Final Form yet though. =(

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Riku's pants were pretty irritating. So baggy that it's illegallll....

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Disney + Squaresoft = $$$

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