Thursday, April 21, 2005


Remember that I said I broke up with the boyfriend. From then til now (that's about 2 mths), I have not felt anything at all. I tell you, nothing; and I went on with life without him merrily, just like that without hurting at all. It's like sawing off a chunk of frozen flesh, no blood.

But since 3 days ago, I'm starting to hurt. Why? Strange, isn't it? I went into slow-mo mode and has finally thawed myself out. This is so weird. So these few days it was excruciating. I think about him and I get upset. I clean his room and I get upset. I come across his stuff and I get crazy upset. Adoi. Mercy, Lord!....Hurhhh... but I'm not surprised. Kinda expected it to happen this way. There is no way on earth you can end a 7 yr relationship without shedding a tear.

And Pei saw me looking so gloomy these few days that she took me out for lunch today. She's so nice! :) We wanted to go for Karaoke but it was fully booked, so off to The Curve we went! After much careful analysis and survey of all the restaurants there, we decided on ThaiExpress. Frankly, I'm not the biggest Thai food fan because I'm not keen on sour foods, but since she's buying, I left it to her to decide.

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There's a huge crowd when we arrived and we're glad we managed to get a seat inside. So hot outside o_O;

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The crowds were big today, due to the hot weather and it's holiday today. So I guess it's an okay lunch. Have to say it's depressing to go out when you see couples hanging around everywhere you look. Hm...I'm slowly turning into a one of those cliched single women who makes cliched remarks about married people or lovey-dovey couples. Guess I'll have a BigMac for dinner tonight and complete the transformation by turning into an overweight belching slob. Oh so sad. :(

After that we headed home and I cleaned my room and Keat's. Cookie made me mad by peeing on the floor I just moped. I have to go down on my knees and clean up the mess again with water and disinfectant. I swear, I'm so stubborn sometimes. Someone should've whacked my head with a big blunt metal bat when I said I wanted to get a dog. A dog I did get, with a bunch of fecal messes and frustration and violent outbursts too.

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I mean, like look at the photo above. Note how Cookie got herself a nice single eyebrow. It's actually car grease that got smeared nicely on her forehead when I was taking her for a walk previously. Idiot. It couldn't come out no matter what. All these kinda things just happen, you know, and this is still kinda cute. But wait til she shits on your sofa and turn around to give you that uni-brow look. ARGH! *head explodes* It's like she's saying, "Catch me if you can! I shit where I f-king well please!"......

T_T I think imagining a dog talking to you is a sign of mental disorder.

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Oh anyway, I still love Cookie to bits, and she loves me too. How could I tell? Well, she told me with her beady eyes. We have this human-dog link. I know she loves me. Yeah yeah, I know what you're thinking. Okay, she has to love me, cuz I feed her and I play with her and I slave over her fecal matter. At least she appreciates me!

Boy, am I getting delirious.


Resurrected said...

Just dropped by from PPS. Love those pics from Ipoh. No offence to you, but Ipoh is like my 1st choice in retirement home :P It is civilised (TGV, great food, nice restaurants,green,has history/character,MPH :P) and peaceful.

As for the melancholic feeling, well, it takes time. Sometimes it hits you when you least expect. Moving on is harder than said.

Ju-Lian said...

Yes Ipoh rocks. But traffic getting worse day by day. And yes, melancholy sucks.

Anonymous said...

just remember, you have to punish cookie for stunts like these, if she's to get to the point of not doing them.


Anonymous said...

You may recognize me from the shout box on the ROMB website. I have a solution to your pooch problem. Considering your dog appears to be one of those tiny, ankle biters with the attention span of a gerbil on speed, negative reinforcement for his doo-doo dilema is not a good idea. Instead, try environment and positive reinforcement training. Since your dog is one of the small variety, it will likely deficate fairly frequently, perhaps 2 or 3 times a day. You clean after his/her mishaps, so you should know how frequently he/she voids. Now, say your dog typically does his business 3 times a day. What should be done is that you need to take him/her to a place where you would prefer him to go (ex. a bacement, outside, bathroom, etc.) and keep him there until he/she does his/her business. Idealy, try to check up on your pet on a fairly regular basis, so that you can catch them in the act of pooping (where you want it to! Finally) and reward him/her immediately with a treat and praise. Eventually, you're pet will realize that if it goes where it is supposed to, it will be rewarded, and short-attention, high-energy dogs like the one yours appears to be respond much better to positive reinforcement than negative. Should you continue this way, your dog may eventually seek you out to let it do it's business where it should instead of wherever is conveniant for it. (HOWEVER, you MUST be familiar with your dog's body language when it tries to tell you it needs to go. For example, my dog stares at me.) Now, as I was saying, if your dog typically voids 3 times a day, be sure to take him out first thing in the morning until he does his business, some time durring mid-day, and again before bedtime, so that he/she does not have any mid-night accidents.
I have no problems with my dog, which is good because he is very big and his droppings are probably larger than your sweet little puppy. If I can train a rabbit to go where I want it to, I'm certain I can help you train your dog. You simply have to learn how to use the animal's natural behavior to your advantage.