Sunday, March 06, 2005

Doodling Again

A doodle...haven't been doodling since...god-knows-when. Intended it to be a Bishie Parade since I've been recently been re-infected with the Shoujo Bug, but....too lazy to draw too many figures. It ended up half-assed, but still, I'm HAPPY! So glad I'm drawing again :)

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Anonymous said...

oh man, you are so good in drawing, hope you can help me design a banner on my blog.

Gabeprime said...

Nice work. :) Doodling again myself though my doodles aren't as impressive as yours. Anyway, good to see you're getting back into it. Keep it up.

Ju-Lian said...

mrkiasu : me no good in designing banners and photoshop...can just draw lah, friend.

geej : If my doodles are that good, I wouldn't have to resort to using photoshop to filter away the half-assness of the picture XD