Friday, December 31, 2004

Blood Test

Went for a blood test the other day and came back with sexy needles tracks all over my snowy white arm. It's always like that. My veins refuse to surface up to the occasion when there's a need for bloodletting. Remember once during college, there was this blood donation campaign in the campus. The nurse had to stick the thick needle into my wrist to start the red stuff flowing. Eyyerrrr....then there's another incident when I need to draw some blood for a HepB antibody test. As usual, my veins at the inner fold of my elbow were virtually non-existent. Doc had to draw the blood from the topside of my hand. Christ. >_<

Those who watched The Fly starring Jeff Goldblum will remember a scene where a scientist was sticking a syringe containing some suspicious liquid into Jeff's brawny arm when our Jeff's muscles suddenly contracted violently and the needle broke. (UUAARRGGGHH! Thinking of it makes me all goosepimply) So the scientist jumped back in shock, while the lone needle remained stuck in ol' Flyman's arm, spurting green stuff; and everyone in front of the TV howled and cringed in disgust. Wahaha horrific stuff!

So yeah, recalling movie scenes like that during a bloodtest is not good. Tenses you up and the doc will need to use more strength to push the needle in. Waha!...


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