Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Weak and Weary

Lots of sexy Gorge Fusion discussion here. I don't know. Talking about system design gets me all fired up. I wish I have the time to reorganise all the stuff I've typed out about Gorge Fusion nicely into the FAQ. Maybe this weekend. I'll need Shin's help to put up the new layout already. Much faster to load and more colorful. The current grey/pink color scheme is getting boring to me T_T No offense, Shin.

I'm so tired today. Don't know why, and there's tons of work to do. There's a meeting tonight at 10.30pm and tomorrow's the big day for System Testing for the Rewards project. It never ends.

Alright. I'll start on the bazillion of office mail after lunch. Really dying for a bed here....


Shinyu said...


of course no offence... we've been using the current layout for like... a year or more now... :D

Anonymous said...

Well, GF is to ROMB what the Battle Room is to Ender's Game (not sure if you've read it~). It's natural to get fired up about it since it's basically the core of ROMB's appeal points.
Work is good, but watch your health, Ju. :D Both physical and mental.

Ju-Lian said...

Don't know bout Battle Room, but I can imagine how it is. But I don't really mean to put GF as the core of ROMB. It's the people that should be the core of ROMB, and GF is just a tool to flesh them out. :\

Anonymous said...

Haha, of course. ROMB has all sorts of other things as well, like kinky schoolgirls...*thwapped*
But without GF, ROMB won't be nearly as interesting so early into the story as it is now. It's a tool, but an pivotal one.