Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Random Yammering

Have you watched The Incredibles yet? If not, go watch it. It's awesome. Even the serious boyfriend (who doesn't dig animation btw) could not stifle his giggles.

So yes, new page to be completed by tonight. I haven't worked so hard on a page since...i don't know when. Must be all the women forms I had to draw. Men are much easier to draw, don'tcha think.

Song of the moment: Respect - Pink :D

I'm looking forward to some Urbz action tonight. The thing is, the game's targeted for young girls. I admit I do love the dress-up-your-urbz part. But I think boys secretly like playing dolls too. See how much the boyfriend likes playing Def Jam. YES, YOU GET TO DRESS UP YOUR CHARACTAH! Go get it boys! XD...oh i'm so lame. WAHAHA!

I see the two contractors behind me playing online games and chatting in Yahoo non-stop. Ah, life as a contractor is good. Not that mine is bad. Just feeling cheating on behalf of my company. Haha. Yes, rather mean of me.

Shin coming this Thursday. Hope she gets her dream job soon.

1 comment:

Gabeprime said...

Haven't watched it yet! They'll be showing it here in Oz on the 26th of December! I don't believe it. Why is it taking so long? Are they translating the whole thing into Australian?

Anyway, as for your contractors, they shouldn't be doing what they're doing. They're getting paid by the hour. They are effectively being paid at a high rate by the hour to play games whereas you'll be paid a fix rate for playing games so your company would lose less money on you than on them.