Wednesday, September 29, 2004


Sometimes no matter how hard you try, things just don't work out. Always still not enough... And then it keeps sucking you dry because all you could do is to give give give...

But then again, you know how self-pity can damage your perspective on things. You think you've worked hard, but in fact you haven't.

I suppose it does not matter as long as everyone's doing their part in making it work out. No nonsense such as feeling cheated for getting less for your efforts, or deluding yourself to think that you deserve better...because there is no such thing. Giving more doesn't mean getting bigger returns. It's not necessarily that way, as life is rarely fair.

You think, so what's the point? You think it's a waste of everyone's time. The point is, I want to do this, and that makes all the difference, and thus it IS meaningful.

1 comment:

Gabeprime said...

Are you feeling down again? You just posted that you were happy. Anyway, yeah, there is the saying "hope for the best but expect the worse."