Saturday, May 20, 2006

After a long long long... hiatus

Yep, we're back in business! *deep breath*

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ROMB is back, with a much more streamlined storyline! (I hope) Story continues just exactly where I stopped. Updates will be kinda sporadic but consistent in some way. Will try to concentrate telling the stories instead of including too much crap from the side characters. :D


Anonymous said...

*Dies of happiness*

Alot of people have put this comic on hold and once you start continuing you are going to have tons of more fans. I've got so many friends that I've told about this manga. *hug* hang in there

Anonymous said...

Oh my GOD!!!!! It has been a long wait, i can't wait for it!!! Thank you bery very much... I seriously can't wait for some Aida and Tzuan action!! :)