Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Jolly Good

All is jolly good, by the way, in case anybody's wondering.

I sensed some changes in my spiritual life, despite the lack of crisis. Maybe I'm starting to learn that I have something to talk to my Lord about even when things are going fine... like just thanking and praising Him... asking Him for daily sustenance and covering... or interceeding for others... I hope that this habit will stick on, and not just melt off when new circus attractions come a-rolling by.

Don't know when, prayertimes are starting to grow on me. It could've started during the past few months which were so hard to get by with all its glaring uncertainties and my insecurities. At that time I had so many reasons to get down on my knees for... to ask for forgiveness... to ask for strength guidance grace... to just talk to that Someone that truly hears and understands how my heart is breaking in which different place.

Anyway, I've found this very different joy in fellowship I've never experienced before. Now there will be someone to go Youth with me, to rave about Father, to tremble during worship, to singalong to a different sort of love song. So big is this gift that I am spurred to go on my knees to thank Him again and again. I've never. Ever... dared to ask for all this. Not in my wildest dreams.

My Dad's the coolest guy...

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