Friday, July 08, 2005


I'm so comfy sitting here in my cubicle, Diana Krall crooning into my ears... and I just feel...feel content and slightly euphoric. I'm sipping on Ribena and eating imitation butter cookies (susu biskut!)...

Always thought happiness is something I'll get one day in the future. You know all that is crap! It's what i'm experiencing now. This moment until the song ends. This perfect moment preserved in this temporary oasis of peaceful laziness.


Anonymous said...

wai wai happy ju makes everyone else happy. <(^oo^)>b

mm I must confess an
affinity to Diana Krall
as well...


Anonymous said...

Oasis is far ahead and i m crawling toward without knowing the right track... how comfort a temporary oasis has to be in order for me to see in fact i could strip off my clothes of worries for a while for a short rest before i had to wear them back on and keep crawling, hopefully not in a circle? Perhaps stop crawling and struggle a while to stand up and walk is a faster way of finding oasis... for me