Monday, June 13, 2005

New friends, old friends...

Caught up with Haz today. He's starting to call me the "I-wanna-pak-tor" girl....just because I bumped into him the other day in One Utama with my bf and I said just that to him. Hold grudges ler that guy. But it's been so long, too long since I've had any form of contact with that particular nut. He didin't change much, 'cept for the extra kilos he put on. Really can eat lah he. He and James and KenMing. Those three were the Terrible Trio. Terribler than the Evil Basis Trio in my office. Much much terribler... memories of their antics wanna make me break out in hives... in a good way, that is.

This is Haz's blog btw. The first pic you see there will make you wanna rinse your eyes with Clorox (TM)

Monitor blew a fuse. Not much I can do at home nowadays. Don't feel like PS2 because my eyesight is getting really weak. Watery and red. When i rub them my eyelashes fall off. My beautiful eyelashes.... T_T

Anyway I miss the bf. He doesn't talk with me much nowadays. Think he's too busy to even poo. Poor guy...

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