Friday, June 17, 2005

Friday nights suck, you know that..?

Everybody's like, TGIF TGIF today. I don't know what to do with my Friday evening. I have this happy fluttery feeling it's Friday but there's actually nothing much for me to look forward to after work. Shucks.

Don't feel like going to church for prayer vigil tonight as I'm pretty worn out...maybe I could do gym and work the time away. At least I get to watch the next episode of that Chinese soap that I happened to run through (on a treadmill) yesterday.

So what do I do after gym...
I wish my monitor's not dead. I wish my TVB account's not frozen. I wish I'm not such a lazybum and have more drive to workout. I wish I'm in Ipoh where mom will cook for everyone in the house. Urh....I wish the boyfriend's around, so at least we can have dinner together. =_=

I'm hesitant to fireup the PS2. Numbing yourself is never the solution.

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