Wednesday, May 11, 2005

I'm struck with the awesomest rush of creative power. It must be the recent anime binge I went through. Was gorging on BLEACH! XD The anime has a good pace and superb variation in light/dark/action-packed moments. Very well-animated and characters are portrayed believably, each with their unique style of humor. Truly, one of the more entertaining anime I've watched since Inuyasha.

Animes to watch for:
1. Emma - I watched episode 1 and read the scanlation. It was pretty impressive but well, it's just not for boys. ;-p Fans of Regency romances will love this. Everything's pretty well-research, esp the costumes and backdrops...but still, mannerisms and social conduct of characters are still lacking. However, it's a very worthy effort from the mangaka Kaoru Mori.
2. Trinity Blood - If you're into Castlevania and Hellsing and whatnots this might be THE anime of 2005 for you. But yeah, I heard the manga was way better. I'm not much of a vampire person. Great detailed designs of weapons and characters though. Don't expect to see one single ugly person in this anime XD And yes, I'm betting that there's gonna be YAOI in here. Vampire Yaoi. Fangirls, what else could you ask for.

Colleagues are pressuring me to watch Gundam Seed (as well as Disk of so long ago). Okay, I'll watch it after I'm done with the Anazukin Chachas, Gokusens and Akage no Annes I downloaded.

Back to work.


Gabeprime said...

Yeah. Watching cool anime does the same thing for me, too. :)

Denny said...

Hey, hey, hey! I just suggested/recommended Gundam Seed!!!
But I am forcing you to watch it NOW!!! XO