Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Head in the Clouds

My head are in the clouds today: in accusive rampaging storm clouds, in wispy whimsical clouds, in scary thick clouds of depression, in candy pink sunset flossy clouds.

Normally I'd feel like I'm being ripped into pieces for every mood I feel, yanked up and down like a damned yo-yo, but really, today it was fine no matter how many mood changes I went through. Mood change due to external factors, mind you, so I'm not actually going nuts.

I don't want to cry anymore, don't want to go into long destructive discussions deep into the night anymore, don't want to sit in the office with monumentally swollen eyes while other colleagues whisper behind hands. I don't want to sit in the cubicle and burst into weird bouts of tears, or find the computer screen blurring and my eyes throbbing and my head splitting from lack of sleep anymore. Nuh uh.

And I need to finish the new ROMB page. It's been too long and too painful for myself and the readers. Apologies.


Anonymous said...

u ok?

Ju-Lian said...

The Ju is well. No worries, luv.

Juan said...

Hang in there. What's happening? Juan's hotline is open for you 24/7 :)

Shinyu said...

i'm coming to your rescue soon... dun worry honey :D